Monday, November 11, 2013

Top 5 things going on at the GCA

It's never a dull moment at the GCA.  Here are the big things we are working on these days:

5.  @GlebeCA twitter account:  We have been tweeting since June, but now have a dedicated volunteer, Basia Vanderveen, who is tweeting relevant GCA information and retweeting items of interest from the interesting people we follow.  If you have a Twitter account, follow us and we'll follow you!

4.  GCA Future Planning:  It's been a while since we've taken a look ahead and reflected on how we can positively impact our community.  We'll be sending out a survery in the next little while seeking your views on your community association and then plan to hold a community forum in the new year.  Stay tuned (or better yet, let us know if you are interested in helping!).

3.  2nd Avenue Parking Garage:  the GCA is working with people from GNAG, the Glebe BIA and our councillor, David Chernushenko, to see how the parking garage can be outfitted to accommodate special events (maybe movies, skateboarding, community parties, a specialty market or arts-based events) in the lower level of the garage.  Multi-purpose use makes sense given the scarcity of public spaces in the neighbourhood.

2.  Provincial Land Use Planning and OMB Appeals Process review:  the Ontario government has announced a consultation on these issues, which could give residents a more even playing field when appealing development decisions to the OMB.  The GCA Planning Committee will be taking a close look at these recommendations and developing a GCA position to contribute to the discussion.  A public consultation is slated for November 21st, at Carleton University.  For more information, check out:

1.  Lansdowne Traffic Advisory Committee:  while some progress was made on the numerous GCA Traffic Committee recommendations, the GCA is working with representatives from Old Ottawa East and Ottawa South Community Associations, along with David Chernushenko, to make further progress before Lansdowne is slated to open next summer. Increased traffic is a big concern in our neighbourhood, so this issue is the top issue for right now.   David is planning a community meeting on this topic for December 9 at the Glebe Community Centre.  More to come!

Let us know if you have particular ideas or concerns in these areas, or if you would like to contribute time or talent to our advocacy efforts.  All are welcome!
